Renowned Egyptian TV and Radio personality Fadila Tawfik Abdel Azziz passed away on Thursday in Canada, announced her daughter Reem Ibrahim Ali.
Hegazy's funeral procession will be held on Friday at Othman Mosque in Pickering City, Canada, according to TV anchor Khalid Montaser.
Born in 1929, Tawfik, who is the elder sister of prominent actress Mohssena Tawfik, got a bachelor's degree in Law in the 1950s.
The late media figure came to prominence by hosting the children's program (A Song and a Story) on state Radio for many years.
The so-called Miss Fadila was the first woman to tell children stories on the radio in the early 1960s.
In 1966, she served as the head of radio's general program after broadcaster Muhammad Mahmoud transferred from radio to television.