Egypt's Ministry of Manpower in collaboration with the United Nations World Food Program (WFP) launched a new program that aims at enhancing youth employability and supporting youth empowerment, especially in the more isolated cities in upper Egypt.
Working in partnership with the Ministry of Manpower, the WFP has launched the "Your Skills Are Essential For Your Career Development" program in Beni Suef province, according to a UN statement.
The new program aims to improve the working capacity of young people in different areas of sustainable approaches, enhance the living conditions and increase employment options for youths by providing them an opportunity where their talents, creativity, and innovation can flourish.
Moreover, the program, which is funded by WFP, gives upper Egypt's youths, and those who are economically disadvantaged in Beni Suef province, the opportunity to get new jobs, practice new skills, change their status quo, and enhance their ability to participate successfully in the socio-economic development of their country.
The new ambitious program also seeks to impart a high level of knowledge, with an emphasis on scientific and technological skills essential for young people's development.