On Thursday, the new board of directors of the Egyptian Publishers Association held its first meeting after the latest elections that were held last month.
Saied Abdo was elected as the director of the association, Abdel Moneim Kamel as the deputy head of the association, Mohamed Abdel Moneim as the general secretary, and Mamdoh Ali as the Treasurer.
In addition, the board of directors re-formed the working committees at the association.
Saied Abdo was announced as the head of the Freedom of Publishing Committee, and Mohamed Abdel Moneim as the head of the Exhibitions Committee.
Mohamed Kamal was selected as the head of the Copyright Committee, and Ahmed Abdel Moneim was chosen to be the head of the PR and Marketing Committee.
Dispute Settlement Committee will be headed by Mohamed Al Absi, and Mamdouh Ali will head the Social Activity Committee.
The Professional Development Committee will be headed by Neven Tohami, and Hossam Hamed will head Media Committee.