General Authority For Supply Commodities (GASC) said on Thursday the Egypt purchased 180,000 tons of French wheat in a tender for shipment on March 11-25.
The authority added that in the previous tender, which included 240,000 tons of wheat was purchased from Russia and Romania for shipment on March 1-10.
Head of the Central Department of Agricultural Quarantine Ahmed Al-Attar said earlier that Egypt is considering adding Indian wheat as an acceptable tender for import.
Al-Attar added that Egypt is the world's largest importer of wheat, yet, it will not be affected by any wheat scarcity in the world market as it persifies its sources.
Minister of Supply Ali Al-Muselhi has announced that the strategic reserve of wheat is sufficient for up to 4.7 days.
It is noteworthy that the volume of Egyptian imports of wheat reaches 12.5 million tons annually, according to data from the World Food Organization (FAO).