Terra Power, a leading company in the energy sector founded by American businessman Bill Gates, plans to build its first nuclear power plant in Kemerar, Wyoming, USA, to be completed in 2028, at a cost of $4 billion.
Gates founded this company with the purpose of providing unconventional designs for a new generation of nuclear power plants.
Chris Levesque, CEO of the company, said in statements that the construction of this plant is a positive development for the city of Kemerar, as it will provide about 400 new jobs in a city that resides only about 3,000 people, and the jobs will be related to clean energy in an area dominated by coal and gas industries.
He added that China and Russia continue to build new stations with advanced technologies like what the United States of America (USA) has, and are seeking to export the outputs of these stations to many other countries around the world, and therefore it is worrying that the United States is not advanced in this field.
With the construction of this station, it will provide about 345 megawatts, with the possibility of expanding its capacity to 500 megawatts.
Bill Gates had mentioned in his last book entitled "How to Avoid a Climate Catastrophe" that the USA alone uses 1,000 gigawatts and the whole world needs 5,000 gigawatts over the decades to come.
Gates will bear half of the plant's construction cost, while the US Department of Energy will bear the other half.