Supervisor Elham AbolFateh
Editor in Chief Mohamed Wadie

UN: Cholera Surge Threaten Greater Crisis in Yemen

Fri 17 May 2024 | 03:26 PM
By Ahmad El-Assasy

Martin Griffiths, the UN Emergency Relief Coordinator, issued a stark warning about the grave situation in Yemen, a nation plagued by nearly a decade of conflict. 

A severe cholera outbreak is worsening the humanitarian crisis, with over 40,000 suspected cases and an increasing death toll. 

The outbreak is particularly severe in areas controlled by the Houthi (also known as Ansar Allah) forces, where hundreds of new cases are reported daily.

Griffiths, who also leads the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), expressed concern about the upcoming heavy rains and potential flooding, which could further intensify the crisis.

Hans Grundberg, the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen, also addressed the Security Council, noting that in December, both the Yemeni government and the Ansar Allah group agreed to a series of commitments. 

These include a nationwide ceasefire aimed at facilitating humanitarian aid and starting an inclusive political process to resolve the conflict sustainably.

However, the situation remains fraught with challenges, compounded by the conflict in Gaza and broader regional instability. Furthermore, recent threats by Ansar Allah to escalate attacks have added to the tensions, representing a significant provocation in an already unstable region.