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Supervisor Elham AbolFateh
Editor in Chief Mohamed Wadie

Your Guide to Celebrating Eid Holidays without Going Broke

Thu 13 Jun 2024 | 04:52 PM
Pasant Elzaitony

The Eid al-Adha holidays are rapidly approaching. It is a time of joy, happiness, and family gathering.

These visits allow the celebrators to stay in touch with their kinship and renew affection and harmony between them.

Remember that your budget is a plan to help you live your best life financially, therefore own it and stick to it. Here are some tips for enjoying a happy, guilt-free Eid holiday·

* No arguing

The holiday is an opportunity to avoid arguing by calling to greet and exchange kind words that remove any hostility.

* Dish party

Holidays worldwide are associated with different and varied foods, and given the economic conditions take the approach of a dish party during family gatherings.

Each guest can contribute with a dish of food to be shared, such as

dessert, main dish, salads, and appetizers, to cut dinner efforts and financial expenses in half.

* Eidiyya

The beautiful tradition of giving money — also known as Eidiyya —

to children and family members by older relatives, parents, spouses, family friends, and senior members of the community as part of the celebration of the Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha holidays.

Spread happiness and gift them with money even if it is a small amount, but be keen to do so with a kind smile to the gift receiver, as the smile and Eidiyya will remain a beautiful memory cherished forever.

* Social interaction

During family gatherings, try to be in harmony with the attendees, but do not gloat about your achievements, show off your wealth, or share negative stories and or spread negativity as that will alienate you from the

Exchange kind words that will leave a good impression on the adults and children.

* No devices

The best holidays are technology-free vacations. Take a break from the screens and enjoy your time with your family and relatives.

Eid Mubarak

Contributed by Yara Sameh