This Eid is perhaps different than the previous ones, as the Egyptian national team will play, in its first day, its first match in the World Cup for the first year since 28 years.
Traditionally Egyptians spend their Eid days celebrating with their families, gathering at public gardens or travelling to the sea resorts and many more options they have. This Eid, however, is different. Many Egyptians have already planned their day according to the time of the first soccer match, which the national team is scheduled to play. At 2:00 pm (CLT) Egyptian team will meet Uruguay on a Russian stadium, with the eyes and hearts of 95+ million Egyptians attached to the event.
Hours before the start of the match, Akhbar ElYoum online gate quoted officials that preps have ended for the airing of the matches at the 650 Youth centers across the governorates for free. In addition, 1000 public screens are being set to air the matches in other different places.