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Supervisor Elham AbolFateh
Editor in Chief Mohamed Wadie

Ukrainian Military Strikes Belgorod Region Over 100 Times, Russian Official Claims

Mon 08 Jan 2024 | 11:32 PM
Breaking: Explosion Hits Area Near Donetsk Airport in Ukraine
Breaking: Explosion Hits Area Near Donetsk Airport in Ukraine
By Ahmad El-Assasy

The Governor of Russia's border region of Belgorod, Vyacheslav Gladkov, reported today that the Ukrainian military has bombarded residential areas in Belgorod more than 100 times in the past 24 hours.

In a statement relayed by the Russian news agency TASS, Gladkov noted that many of the Ukrainian army's attacks in Belgorod were carried out using drones. He highlighted that the shelling resulted in damages to electrical networks and homes.

Gladkov further clarified that the Ukrainian shelling affected several residential villages and small settlements, as well as reaching an industrial area in the Shchigry region.

The Belgorod Governor confirmed that the Ukrainian bombardment did not result in any casualties or human losses. He pointed out that emergency services are currently examining operational procedures of facilities and assessing the damages.