There is no doubt that vegetable fertilizers have become an integral part of agriculture nowadays, because it acts as fast food for plants, helping it develop more quickly and with higher efficiency.
Fertilizers are pided into two types; the first is the “organic” one, which is better for humans and the environment; the other is “industrial”, which is used to obtain a greater quantity of food and is harmful to humans and the environment in the long run, in addition to its high cost.
In the light of chemical fertilizers' side effects, like, air pollution, soil fertility, and groundwater pollution, which causes harmful effects on human health, two research teams from the Faculty of Agriculture at Cairo University and the Agricultural Research Center headed by Dr. Amr Mostafa, Faculty Dean, and Biochemistry Professor managed to prepare organic fertilizer that will achieve a breakthrough in the agricultural field thanks to its many advantages; Foremost of which is that it produces a high-quality and productive organic crop, and is prepared from cheap natural sources and resists pest infestation.
On his part, Dr.Moustafa said that the "Biological" organic fertilizers have a beneficial role in creating the appropriate root cover for the plants' growth, and transforming the nutritionally important elements through the biological process, such as the availability of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus, which helps to enhance soil fertility and improve the biological control effects of anti-isolation, and increase the survival rates of microorganisms in the soil.
He added that the research team managed to prepare an organic fertilizer resulting from DNA fragmentations of some cheap and easy-to-prepare natural sources, noting that this fertilizer has all the advantages for humans and the environment. It gives an organic crop of high quality and productivity, increases productivity by more than 40%; it also has a significant effect in reducing the percentage of pest infestation to less than 1%, with the possibility of harvesting the crop more than once in one season, pointing out that this research took about 15 years to be prepared.
Moreover, he pointed out that the new fertilizer is distinguished by the simplicity of its addition, as it is added in very simple ways with irrigation water over the course of three irrigations during the cultivation period, stressing that all experiments, analyzes, tests, and studies have been conducted on the prepared fertilizer.
In addition, Dr. Moustafa said that a patent application has been submitted at the Academy of Scientific Research and preparations are underway to publish a scientific article in major scientific journals. Many experiments were conducted on many crops, including beans, barley, and wheat, which demonstrated amazing results.
The Agriculture Faculty Dean added that this fertilizer will provide the citizens with organic food materials, such as vegetables and fruits, throughout the year and it will save the state huge sums to be spent on treating citizens, as a result of their exposure to many diseases resulting from chemical fertilizers.