صدى البلد البلد سبورت قناة صدى البلد صدى البلد جامعات صدى البلد عقارات
Supervisor Elham AbolFateh
Editor in Chief Mohamed Wadie

Many Happy Returns for the Pride of My Country

Sat 21 Jan 2023 | 04:33 PM
Elham Aboul Fateh
Elham Aboul Fateh
Elham Aboul Fateh

Many Happy returns for the police of my country. Happy returns to the protective shield of the people of my country. We celebrate the 71st anniversary of the Police Day. 

The Egyptian police throughout history and throughout civilizations play a major role in security and internal peace, protecting citizens and establishing order.

I hope to watch series that immortalize the heros of the police and works that narrate the heroics of police officers, as most of them are heroes who play a big role in protecting citizens and maintaining their security. 

In Ramadan, I hope there will be series that tell people about many police heros whether in Sinai checkpoints or everywhere in Egypt.

The heroes of the Egyptian police force confronted the British occupation, on January 25, 1952, and thwarted the plot to isolate the Canal Zone. This move was the real introduction to the Egyptian army revolution in July 1952 and history immortalized it for the sacrifices it witnessed in defending the land until they forced the occupier to retreat.

Since that day, the police apparatus with the great Egyptian army have continued their role in protecting the country for 59 years, until the attempt was repeated again in 2011, in preparation for handing over Egypt to the Brotherhood regime in 2012, but the Egyptians and their police continued the epic of dignity when more than 30 million people took to the streets and squares until issuing  July 3 statement to write the beginning of the end of the conspiracy against the homeland. 

For ten years, the heroes of the Egyptian police offered heroism, and sacrifices in order to eliminate terrorist groups that spilled the blood of Egyptians in the streets and in Sinai to destabilize the country and drag it towards chaos, but the people supported their army and police, so that terrorism was completely eliminated.. and the process of development and construction began.. to build the new republic.

To be honest, I did not like the statement of cabinet that considered January 25th as a revolution, and I do not know why they considered it a revolution while it tried to destroy the country and spread the choas on the Police Day. But the Egyptians were aware and supported their leader president Abdel Fattah El-Sisi on June 30.

Happy police day and happy returns to the Egyptian police, army and peopl.