“Prince of the Arab Songs”، Hany Shaker, decided to stand for the post of Musicians Syndicate Chairman for the second time.
The date of electing candidates will start on Sunday, July 7 and the elections will begin on the 30th of the same month.
Shaker said: “The position`s responsibility has exhausted many efforts in order to achieve human justice for a segment of the society concerned with forming the Egyptian people's conscience, especially during Egypt's important stage of new development and challenges.”
He added that the experience of such work was tough enough and he did not intend to repeat it, but there are a lot of considerations that led him to take a decision to run again.
“The Musicians Syndicate began to recover its powers and during the last term, I managed to make several great unprecedented achievements, which pushed the syndicate forward administratively and financially. This helps to achieve the aspirations and dreams of the General Assembly members,” said Shaker.
He pointed out that, before assuming the presidency of the Syndicate, there were signs of deterioration. As a result, he was requested by Syndicate members to contest for the position.
“The total deposits reached EGP 24 million compared with EGP 7 million in 2015. Fixed assets were increased, new premises were bought and contracts were renewed, in addition to the housing project in October Gardens. The council was able to overcome all obstacles,” he said.
Shaker went on to say: “The pension has nearly doubled and the increment is still rising after we decided to increase it 10% twice a year.”
“Treatment expenses nearly tripled and reached approximately 4 million. The maximum expenses for treatment raised from EGP 2000 to EGP 25,000 per member, in addition to the syndicate`s contracts with many hospitals and medical centers in all provinces to facilitate the medical service for all members of the General Assembly.” Shaker added.
Contributed by Ahmad El-Assasy