Dr. Mustafa El Feki, a prominent Egyptian political thinker, said that he did not talk to the Direct or Indirect channels of Al Jazeera” throughout many years.
He denied what was attributed to him on the necessity of employing Israel in the file of the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam over a program called” It Happens in Egypt Now” presented by TV Anchor Sherif Amer.
He stressed that we should refer to the 1979 peace treaty with Israel as Egypt never violated any article of that treaty during more than 40 years.
The treaty stated that either party of it must not commit hostile action against the other.
Due to the special relations between Israel and Ethiopia, we waited for an understanding stance of Israel toward Egypt’s just demands at the water of the Nile River.
El Feki indicated that we must employ the peace treaty to serve the just Egyptian point of view toward the water of the Nile River, as Cairo has not benefited from the treaty.
Israel has its means to pressure Ethiopia due to the strong history between the two states.
El Feki urges the brotherly Arab states to stand more firm with Egypt to confront the arrogance of Abiy Ahmed Ali, Ethiopia’s Prime Minister, and his policies that may lead to prolonged conflicts in the future.
Translated by Ahmed Moamar