On Saturday, the Embassy of Rwanda in Cairo hosted a celebration to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the 1994 Genocide Against Tutsis (Kwibuka 30).
Several figures, officials, and ambassadors attended the ceremony to pay tribute to the victims who lost their souls and blood for their country, in addition to lighting a candle of hope and unity for the peace of Rawanda's lands and people.
During the event, both Muslim and Christian prayers were recited and delivered for the souls of the million victims of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsis, followed by a minute of respect, silence, and remembrance for their souls and sacrifices.
After that, a short documentary entitled "Rwanda from Despair to Hope" was screened. It showed the journey of the African country from falling to the horrors of the genocide to rising from the ashes of the victims to rebuild a modern and developed nation with a new spirit of unity, loyalty to Rwanda, hope, peace, and respect.
Shortly, the keynote of Rawanda's President Kagame was screened. The speech was delivered on April 7 on the anniversary of the Kwibuka 30.
He said: "Today, our hearts are filled with grief and gratitude in equal measure. We remember our dead, and are also grateful for what Rwanda has become. To the survivors among us, we are in your debt."
He added: "Today, we are thinking of you as well. Our tears flow inward, but we carry on, as a family. Countless Rwandans also resisted the call to genocide. Some paid the ultimate price for that courage, and we honour their memory. Our journey has been long and tough. Rwanda was completely humbled by the magnitude of our loss, and the lessons we learned are engraved in blood. But the tremendous progress of our country is plain to see, and it is the result of the choices we made together to resurrect our nation. The foundation of everything is unity."
Several keynotes were included in the event, including a speech by Rwanda's Ambassador to Cairo CG Dan Munyuza.
During his speech, the Ambassador recalled the horrors of the genocide in Rwanda, and how their people and lands fell into discrimination, blood, killing, and violence, in addition, he reviewed the journey of his country to rise again from the ashes of the genocide to be a unified, and peaceful land with hope and solidarity.
The event also included a lecture by Mr. Fredrick Golooba Mutebi.