Embassy of Pakistan, Cairo organized a seminar titled "Kashmir Under Siege" to mark “Kashmir Black Day”, at the Chancery, today.
At the start of the event, messages of the President, the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister & Foreign Minister of Pakistan were read out. A special documentary on the historical context of Indian illegal occupation of Jammu & Kashmir was shown during the event .
The Guest Speakers, representing Egyptian intelligentsia, media, academia and think tank community, in their presentations highlighted the plight of Kashmiris in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). They stated that IIOJK is a disputed territory between Pakistan and India, and no country has the right to unilaterally change its disputed status. They underscored that Kashmir Issue is one of the oldest agendas of UN Security Council. The issue must be resolved in accordance with UNSC Resolutions and as per the aspirations of the people of Kashmir. The speakers demanded that Indian government’s fascist, anti-Kashmiri & anti-Muslim actions and Human Rights violations should be emphatically condemned by the international community.
The speakers noted with grave concern the Israeli aggression in Gaza and Lebanon and vehemently condemned Israeli barbarism. The speakers saluted the resolution of innocent Kashmiris, Gazans and citizens of Lebanon against Indian and Israeli brutal oppression.
Chargé d'affaires Dr. Raza Shahid in his remarks paid tribute to the Kashmiris for their valiant struggle. He reiterated steadfast support of the government and people of Pakistan for Kashmiris’ right of self-determination. He stressed that international community must act immediately and impress upon India to reverse its unilateral and illegal actions of August 5, 2019 and stop its demographic apartheid in IIOJK.
A large number of intellectuals, journalists, students and Pakistani community notables attended the event.