Renowned journalist Khaled El Balshy, who currently serves as the head of the Syndicate of Journalists, is tonight's special guest on the acclaimed show "In the Evening with Quswa," aired on CBC channel and hosted by journalist Quswa Al-Khulaly.
This appearance marks a significant moment, a year after Elbalshy was elected the head of the syndicate, where he will share insights into his contributions to the journalism field in Egypt and outline his vision for future challenges.
The episode promises an in-depth look at Elbalshy's tenure, highlighting his achievements for the press community and the broader implications for media in Egypt.
"In the Evening with Quswa" is a prime-time show that engages with a broad spectrum of topics, both local and international, offering viewers a rich analysis of current affairs. Tune in at 9 PM from Saturday to Tuesday for compelling discussions