120 comprised of both young men and women, has enthusiastically participated in the World Youth Festival held in Sochi, Russia from February 28th to March 8th, 2024.
The Egyptian delegation, representing the vibrant and diverse youth of Egypt, showcased their talents, engaged in intercultural dialogue, and fostered global connections during this international event.
The World Youth Festival serves as an inclusive platform for young people from across the globe to come together and exchange ideas, experiences, and aspirations. With its theme “
"Building Bridges, CreatingOpportunities," this year's festival aimed to promote cultural understanding, collaboration, and the empowerment of youth in shaping a better world.
The Egyptian delegation, led by esteemed representatives, brought forth a rich cultural heritage and a spirit of innovation. The participants had the opportunity to highlight Egypt's rich history, traditions, and contemporary achievements through various artistic performances, exhibitions, and interactive sessions.
They also engaged in several discussions on critical global issues, including climate change, sustainable development,technology and innovation and social inclusion.
During the festival, the Egyptian youth actively interacted with their international peers, fostering cross-cultural understanding and forging meaningful connections. They embraced the diversity of perspectives and experiences, contributing to the promotion of peace and global cooperation.
The Egyptian delegation's participation in the World Youth Festival aligns with Egypt's commitment to empowering Egyptian youth and providing them with international platforms. The , in collaboration with various youth organizations, has been instrumental in supporting and encouraging the active involvement of young Egyptians in such events, recognizing their potential as future leaders and change-makers.
The Egyptian delegation takes immense pride in their participation in the World Youth Festival and expresses gratitude to the organizers for hosting this remarkable event. They extend their heartfelt appreciation to the government of Russia for providing a warm welcome and facilitating an enriching experience for all participants.
The World Youth Festival is an annual event that brings together young people from around the world to promote intercultural dialogue, exchange ideas, and foster global cooperation. The festival features a wide range of activities, including workshops, discussions, performances, and exhibitions.