Iconic jewelry designer Azza Fahmy said that there is a mess in the Egyptian gold market. The designers can't create strong gold products that could compete in international markets. In addition, there is a lack of studies that qualify their products to increase their activity internationally.
She told SEE News that the domestic market can't stand long in Arab or European markets. So, before exportation, designers need to give more care to designs to create a unique domestic product.
Fahmy revealed that the African markets are the best for the current Egyptian gold products, so, designers need to work more in distributing their work in the African markets rather than the European.
She added that the domestic market depends on foreign employees from Thailand, India, and Philipines and those markets dominate the gulf. So, they don't add any value to the local market.
Moreover, the process of exportation has no organized methodology or studies.
Therefore, designers should think of adding more accurate principles and studies to know the customers they target, the issues they face, the forms of the markets, and the means of marketing and distribution. So, she called them to team up with professional partners for setting up professional marketing studies.
Finally, Fahmy pointed out the importance of giving more care to designing to qualify a strong and talented generation of Egyptian designers.
Contribtued by: Rana Atef