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Supervisor Elham AbolFateh
Editor in Chief Mohamed Wadie

Algeria: Person Responsible for Bejaia Wildfire Arrested

Sun 17 Sep 2023 | 03:26 AM
Taarek Refaat

Algerian media reported that the National Gendarmerie forces arrested on Saturday the person responsible for the fires that broke out last night in the Ash El-Baz forests in the Boulimat region of Bejaia Province.

Al-Nahar channel revealed that the arrested suspect is called (T.R), and he is 56 years old.

National Gendarmerie investigators are still working on the case of the fires, while the Civil Protection Directorate in the state of Bejaia announced that about 20 forest fires in several regions of the state were extinguished, with the exception of one fire, during the past 24 hours.

Earlier, the National Gendarmerie confirmed, following the forest fires that occurred in some areas in Bejaia, that all roads leading to the state are open to traffic.

It added in a statement: “According to the circular mentioned above, related to the outbreak of a fire at the level of of Bejaia, we inform road users that all roads leading to Bejaia are open to traffic. The National Gendarmerie also called on all road users to exercise caution”.