A sequel to the 2003 star-studded romantic drama film "Sahar El Layali" is currently in the works, with original writer Tamer Habib returning to pen the script.
The film features a starry cast that includes Sherif Moneer, Mona Zaki, Hanan Turk, Fathy Abdel Wahab, Ahmed Helmy, Ola Ghanem, Khaled Abol Naga, Gihan Fadel, and more.
Directed by Hani Khalifa, "Sahar El Layali" took three years to come to light and is regarded as one of the boldest films involving ensembles and relationship struggles.
The film follows a group of friends and their spouses gathering at a birthday party where they reminisce and converse. Conflicts rose between the couple after the party leading the men to leave for Alexandria to relive their bachelor days.
The sequel will feature a brand new cast and will discuss the problems of the current era.