“This dust has even reached Europe. Why are several thousand tons of salt going up? Why does the temperature change? The catastrophe has already happened. What do we need to do to prevent it? We in Uzbekistan intend to plant saxauls on the dried bottom of the Aral Sea”.
In the period from winter 2018 to spring 2019, 500 units of equipment, 2 aircraft, and 2,000 employees of the forestry enterprises and the Ministry of Emergency Situations were involved from the Republic of Karakalpakstan and the regions. 1126 thousand hectares of land have been prepared for sowing.
Warehouses for the temporary storage of seeds were created in the forestry enterprises. Forestry workers from all over the republic and residents of the Muynak region harvested 1,532 tons of desert plant seeds. Protective forests were erected from seeds and seedlings of desert plants on a total area of 501 hectares. Protective barriers with a length of 93 km have been created.
Saxaul nurseries were created on the territory of more than 400 hectares for the construction of protective forests in the next season. In 2018 and in the spring of 2019, protective forests “Green coverings” were created on an area of 501 thousand hectares on the parched land plots of the Aral Sea in the Muynak district of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.
In 2019-2020 forestry workers and local residents harvested 2,769.8 tons of desert plants. Saxaul nurseries have been created by forestry enterprises on an area of 200 hectares to construct protective forests in the next season.
Since the beginning of the season, 850 units of equipment and mechanisms, 4 aircraft and 2 hang gliders, 2,500 people from the local population, forestry enterprises, and the Ministry of Emergency Situations have been involved. The construction of protective forests on the territory of 703 401 hectares was carried out to date.
In 2020-2021, “Green coverings” were created on an area of 458.4 thousand hectares on the parched land plots of the Aral Sea in the Muynak district of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. 700 workers, 600 units of equipment and mechanisms, including 4 units of An-2 aircraft, and a hang glider were involved to carry out forest reclamation. Warehouses for the temporary storage of seeds were created in forestry enterprises. 1,511.7 tons of desert plant seeds were harvested by forestry enterprises and the population.
The forestry enterprises created nurseries of desert plants on an area of 200 hectares to continue forest reclamation at the next stage.