Egyptian Security Services arrested Saturday a newly wedded couple, on charges of illegal digging for antiquities inside their apartment in Nazlet el-Samman, Al Haram area, south of Cairo.
The authorities found 10 antiques that the couple had extracted from a hole in the apartment's kitchen.
Investigations also revealed that they took advantage of their wedding night to dig for the antiquities inside the apartment, with the help of their families.
The neighbors have heard strange noises, knocking and crack sounds. They informed the tourism police, who arrived immediately and raided the apartment.
The security forces found a two-meter hole in the kitchen, next to some rubble.
Upon continuing the examination, they also was found that there was a crypt at the end of the hole, which lead to a Pharaonic cemetery.
They were taken to Al-Haram Police Station, where the prosecutor decided to imprison them on charges of illegal home digging for antiquities.