Today, Disney announced that it has tapped the Egyptian director Mohamed Diab to direct the upcoming Marvel series, "Moon Knight." The upcoming series is starring Oscar Isaac as the title character Moon Knight, aka Marc Spector according to the Deadline website.
Diab’s 'Eshtebak' (Clash) was an official selection at the 2016 Cannes Film Festival, in the Un Certain Regard category. He is also known for his 'Cairo 678', which was released a month before the Egyptian revolution.
He also wrote El Gezeira (The Island), which is one of the top highest-grossing Egyptian and Arabic films of all time.
His latest work was highly praised by critics which is "Taiee'" and Al Siham Al Mareqa (Recalcitrant Arrows)
His next feature, Amira is about to be released in 2021.