Japan is set to launch the world's first wooden satellite, "LignoSat," into space this year on a SpaceX rocket. The press office of Kyoto University confirmed that the concept for the satellite arose from environmental concerns. Upon completing its mission and returning to Earth, it will burn up entirely upon re-entering the atmosphere.
The "LignoSat" is a cube measuring 10 cm with wall thicknesses ranging from 4 to 5.5 mm. It includes multiple layers made of aluminum and is equipped with attached solar panels, weighing only 1 kg. The satellite was assembled using traditional Japanese woodworking techniques, which do not require fasteners or adhesives. Japanese engineers have tested the satellite in outer space conditions.
A joint research team from Kyoto University and experts from Sumitomo Forestry began working on the wooden satellite project in April 2020. After approximately four years of dedicated effort, the team successfully developed the world's first wooden satellite, "LignoSat," according to Kyoto University's press office.