Renowned Egyptologist Dr. Zahi Hawass has taken a starring role in a captivating documentary titled "Ambassadors of Civilization: A Dialogue to Safeguard Our Planet." This film is on a mission to communicate a powerful message to the world through a consortium of diplomats and influential figures. Together, they seek to emphasize the urgent need for unified efforts and cooperation in protecting human civilization from the significant challenges that the world faces today. These challenges arise from warfare, climate change, and the accompanying far-reaching global economic crises.
The documentary shines a spotlight on the vital importance of global collaboration in addressing these pressing issues. Its release coincides with the forthcoming COP28 climate conference scheduled to be held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The conference serves as a timely reminder that the world must stand united to confront the challenges posed by climate change. Additionally, it acknowledges the escalating events in the region, brought about by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the Russian-Ukrainian war.
During his participation in the documentary, Dr. Zahi Hawass delivers a message to the world that underscores the essential nature of collective action in confronting the challenges presented by warfare and climate change. He also highlights the broader concept of cross-cultural dialogue.
Dr. Hawass's involvement in "Ambassadors of Civilization: A Dialogue to Safeguard Our Planet" underscores the significance of preserving heritage, fostering dialogue among diverse cultures, and safeguarding the future of humanity and the planet.
In a statement, Mohamed Salah, the director, writer, and producer of the film, described "Ambassadors of Civilization: A Dialogue to Safeguard Our Planet" as nothing short of "exceptional." The film features the collaboration of seven ambassadors from different nations alongside several prominent figures from various fields. Their shared mission is to not only make a profound impact but also reach diverse global audiences. Despite representing different countries, these ambassadors are united in their mission to raise awareness about the importance of international cooperation in preserving our planet and promoting dialogue between civilizations. Their collective participation underscores the significance of cross-cultural dialogue and the urgent need to address climate change and other global challenges.
Salah also emphasized the importance of Dr. Zahi Hawass's participation in the documentary. As a prominent figure in the field of Egyptology, Hawass is celebrated for his relentless efforts in preserving Egypt's ancient heritage and unveiling many secrets of the ancient Egyptian civilization. His involvement sends a powerful message to the world, highlighting the urgent need to address the risks facing human civilization. These risks extend beyond environmental challenges and encompass the broader concept of dialogue between civilizations, with the ultimate aim of achieving global harmony.
The documentary, "Ambassadors of Civilization: A Dialogue to Safeguard Our Planet," was filmed at the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Cairo. The location serves as an ideal backdrop for the project, symbolizing Egypt's rich ancient heritage. The entire project received substantial support from Dr. Ahmed Ghanem, the CEO of the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization, who played a pivotal role in its success.
The documentary "Ambassadors of Civilization: A Dialogue to Safeguard Our Planet" featured seven ambassadors from different countries, along with several prominent figures from various fields. These distinguished participants included Christian Berger, the European Union Ambassador to Egypt, Gareth Bailey, the British Ambassador to Egypt, Frank Hartmann, the German Ambassador to Cairo, Michele Caroni, the Italian Ambassador to Cairo, Álvaro Iranzo, the Spanish Ambassador to Egypt, Hiroshi Oka, the Japanese Ambassador to Egypt, Jose Octavio Tripp, the former Mexican Ambassador to Egypt, Elena Panova, the Resident Coordinator of the United Nations in Egypt, Naema Alkashef, a representative from the World Health Organization in Egypt, Ahmed El-Sweedy, the CEO of the El-Sweedy Electric Group, and Dr. Ahmed Ghanem, the CEO of the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization.