In the middle of the Harafish, in Ghoriya neighborhood, world-renowned writer Naguib Mahfouz spirit lives in his museum at the Complex of Abu El-Dahab, in Al-Azhar area. Mahfouz’s soul is imprinted in his personal belongings, such as his shaving tools, perfumes, and his last cigarettes, which still hold his smell.
The museum opened last July after a long delay in the establishment of a museum for one of the most important Egyptian writers who achieved worldwide fame and won the Nobel Prize.
The Complex was allocated to Mahfouz 13 years ago. It houses the gifts of Mahfouz’s family, as well as his awards, souvenirs, honor certificates, the “Order of the Nile” Award, "Nobel" document, even his office.
In addition, a number of belongings from his personal library, such as rare books and chairs that witnessed his great ideas and reflections that produced his great works. Furthermore, the museum also includes one of the suits that he wore in many pictures and TV interviews.
It also acquired rare photos of Mahfouz, like his photo with iconic singer Umm Kulthum, during their one-time meeting. Mahfouz's life and work were highly influenced by Umm Kulthum.
He mentioned her in six of his works as well as named his daughter after her.
It is said that this legendary meeting took place upon his request, when renowned journalist, Mohamed Hassanein Heikal, was preparing a special celebration for Mahfouz’s 50th birthday.
When Heikal asked about his birthday gift, Mahfouz wished to meet the iconic singer. The museum also comprise his complete works and the covers of his various novels in different languages, as well as a corner was designated to represent the Egyptian cafe, which is considered one of his sacred places in the novels and real life. It also has a room for scenes from his films, a room for the screening of a number of his films, and another for the screening of his TV interviews.
The museum consists of free different rooms, his office and library are located in a private “off-limit” room. The museum opens its doors daily from 09:00 AM – 5 PM.
The tickets sale range from EGP20 for foreigners, and EGP5 for Egyptians. There is also a discount for students, EGP10 for the foreign students and EGP2 for Egyptian students.
A number of students from neighboring schools behind the Al-Azhar Mosque pay a visit daily to the museum. "I like to watch the Nobel Prize" a student said.
The museum staff promised its visitors that they would soon find a hologram of Naguib Mahfouz in front of them. They are also waiting to receive a statue of the world-renowned writer soon.
Mahfouz was an Egyptian writer who won the 1988 Nobel Prize for Literature. He was born on December 11, 1911. The world-renowned writer published over dozens of novels, short stories, movie scripts, and five plays over his 70 years career, many of which have been made into Egyptian and foreign films.
Mahfouz was suffering from a bleeding ulcer, kidney problems, and cardiac failure before his death. He departed from our world on August 30, 2006, after doctors were unable to revive him due to a heart attack.
Mahfouz left behind his wife Attiyatullah Mahfouz whom he married in 1954, and his two daughters, Fatima and Umm Kulthoum.
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Contributed by Yara Sameh