The Minister of Industry and Trade Nevin Gamea affirmed Egypt's keenness to enhance regional and international cooperation to achieve joint industrial integration with various international institutions in a way that contributes to achieving Egypt 2030 sustainable development goals.
Gamea noted that the Egyptian government has made great efforts to enhance industrial cooperation at the regional level with African countries to implement joint industrial development programs and projects, in addition to encouraging the presence of Egyptian companies in the continent to implement infrastructure and logistical projects, which would contribute to supporting trade and joint industrialization.
This came during the Global Manufacturing & Industrialization Summit (GMIS), held under the slogan “Glocalisation: Towards Inclusive and Sustainable Global Value Chains”.
The summit was organized by The Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology in the UAE, in cooperation with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), in the presence of 100 political leaders, ministers of trade and industry and industrial sector leaders from around the world, including Li Yong, Director General of UNIDO and Sultan bin Ahmed Al Jaber, Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology in the UAE.
The minister said that GMIS represents an excellent opportunity to meet experts, industrialists and decision-makers around the world to exchange ideas, knowledge and experiences aimed at supporting the role of the industrial sector in achieving economic prosperity, setting general frameworks for government policies and strengthening global cooperation.
"The summit aims to shed light on the Fourth Industrial Revolution and its ongoing automation of traditional manufacturing and industrial practices, using modern smart technology, which helps reshape the future of the industrial sector, strengthening global value chains, and restoring global economic activity in the post-coronavirus era.
Trade Min.: Egypt Keen to achieve goals of industrial development
Gamea indicated that the Egyptian government is keen to achieve the goals of industrial development based on the pivotal role that the sector plays in achieving sustainable development goals through pushing indicators of GDP growth and raising employment rates in addition to increasing the value of foreign trade as well as transferring advanced technologies and raising per capita productivity rates.
"Goals of industrial development will contribute to the efforts aimed at building a competitive, balanced and persified economy based on innovation, knowledge and supported by a package of economic reforms," the minister added.
She pointed out that the industrial development programs adopted by the government have contributed significantly to raising the competitive capabilities of industrial sectors, especially the agricultural, textiles, chemicals and plastic industries, in addition to increasing employment opportunities, which boosts exports and increasing foreign direct investment (FDI) flows.