The Egyptian Association of Alumni of Russian and Soviet Universities, at the headquarters of the Russian House in Cairo, organized a symposium entitled "The Historical Importance of the Ascent of the First Man into Outer Space" on the occasion of the 61st Anniversary of the First Human Flight to the World of Space, which was undertaken by the Soviet pilot and cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.
The meeting was directed by Sherif Gad, President of the Association, in the presence of Murad Gatin, Director of the Russian Cultural Centers in Egypt, and a number of alumni members of the Association.
[caption id="attachment_335366" align="aligncenter" width="750"] Yuri Gagarin[/caption]
Sharif Gad stated that Gagarin's journey was a gift to all of humanity, as Gagarin took it upon himself to go out into the unknown with the aim of serving humanity and opening the way for the whole world to conquer space,
Gad pointed out that the first woman to go to outer space was also Russian, Valentina Tereshkova, who once headed the Russian cultural centers, and thus the great credit is attributed to the Russian people and the whole world in this field.
Gatin stressed that Russia is still a forerunner in science and progresses achievements.
On a great scientific level, Gad expressed his hope that cooperation between Egypt and Russia would soon be launched in order to implement a project to train the first Egyptian astronaut.
Murat Gatin also stated that April 12 is a historic day not only for Russia but for the whole world when the first human being was able to go out into space, and we are proud that he was Russian. Gatin added that what Gagarin made will remain the pride of the Russian people for centuries to come.
He affirmed that Gagarin came to Egypt on a visit for a week after only a year after landing on the ground and roaming north and south, and as the Egyptian political leadership welcomed him and President Abdel Nasser granted him the necklace of the Nile.
Gagarin took to the street and dealt with the simple people, and since this date the relations between the two peoples are warm.
[caption id="attachment_335367" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Murat Gatin and Sharif Gad[/caption]
Gatin emphasized the existence of cooperation in the future in the field of space, adding that he was pleased with the words of Dr. Mohamed El-Queasy, head of the Egyptian Space Agency when he said that Egypt counts on Russia to develop the Egyptian capabilities in the space field."
Gatin continued to say that the world has taken a turn and a radical change in international relations based on justice.
He also expressed his appreciation for the activities that are organized by the association, whether inside or outside the center.
While Dr. Hani El-Sisi indicated his great admiration for the Russian cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin, as he was his idol in courage and daring, and was one of the reasons for his love in the field of aviation, which prompted him to change his life path and join the Air College, pointing out that Russia’s achievements In the field of space, no one denies it.
Translated by Ahmed Moamar