Egyptian musician-actor, Tamer Hashem has recently joined the cast of actor Khaled El Nabawy‘s new TV series “Rageen Ya Hawa“, which is set to screen during the Ramadan 2022 drama marathon.
It also stars Anoushka, Safaa El-Toukhi, Wafaa Amer, Nour, Salma Abu Deif, Hana Shiha, Islam Ibrahim, Ahmed Khaled Saleh, Ahmad Dash, Karim Kassem, Huda El Mufti, and others.
The series is based on a radio series by the late scriptwriter Osama Anwar Okasha.
Director Mohamed Salama will helm the series from a screenplay adapted by writer Mohammed Suleiman Abdel Malik.
The series is produced by the Aroma production company and set to be shot between Egypt and Europe.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Tamer Hashem[/caption]
Hashem participated last Ramadan with the TV series “Ded El Kassr”, starring Nelly Karim.
It also starred Lekaa Elkhamissi, Mustafa Darwish, Hamza El Eily, Tara Emad, Hisham Ismail, Arfa Abdel Rassoul, and others.
The series was written by Amr Al-Dali and directed by Ahmed Khaled.