Today marks Friday the 13th which is linked to various fearful myths of unfortunate and bad luck. A lot of stories were composed and told till they became part of the popular culture.
The earliest story about Friday the 13th came from Christian mythology. According to biblical tradition, 13 guests attended the Last Supper, held on Maundy Thursday.
The 13 persons include Jesus and his 12 apostles; the 13th person was Judas who betrayed Jesus on the Good Friday.
That's why Friday reflects various negative signs in Christianity, such as Jesus' crucifixion, Eve and Adam's fateful sin, and Abel's death by his brother Cain killed.
Regarding the pop-cultural beliefs about Friday the 13th, it was based on a horror 1907 book "Friday, the Thirteen" written by Thomas William Lawson.
The novel revolves around the intentions of a New York City stockbroker who makes use of the negative inherited impression towards the date to create chaos on Wall Street.
The horror movie Friday the 13th, released in 1980, introduced the world to a hockey mask-wearing killer named Jason, and is perhaps the best-known example of the famous superstition in pop culture history.