On Sunday, an American School student discovered a historic Rex dinosaur tooth while climbing a small hill in Colorado, and the student delivered the tooth to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, according to CNN.
Jonathan Charpentier, an Eighth grader is the newest dinosaur discoverer for the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. The young student found the magnificent (Tyrannosaurus rex) tooth while out on a hike in Colorado city.
“It was so shiny, and it caught my eye, so I picked it up, but I had no clue that it would be a dinosaur tooth. When I got home and washed it off, then I knew it was not a rock, but something else,” Charpentier told American media.
According to the lucky boy, Charpentier reviled “I never expected anything like that.”
Moreover, Charpentier explained that he looked down and saw what he was sure was a dinosaur bone fragment. On the other hand, the Denver Museum indicated that if Charpentier followed the trail up a small hill, he would found upon multiple bones and fossils embedded deep in the earth.
“It’s probably going to kick off a lot of new research, so we’re going to go back out to this area, maybe with Jonathan, and we’re going to collect more bones and hopefully there’s more of a T-Rex out there waiting for us to dig it up,” Museum of Colorado expected.