Samsung Electronics announced today, one of the Coronavirus cases had been confirmed at its mobile device factory complex in Gumi, causing a shutdown of the facility there until Monday morning. Gumi is close to Daegu.
According to Reuters, Samsung obtained a list of 9,300 people who had attended church services, around 1,200 of whom had complained of flu-like symptoms.
Meanwhile, the church and Cheongdo hospital outbreaks may also be linked, as several church members attended a funeral at the hospital for the brother of the founder of the church this month.
The cases from the hospital surged near a hundred overnight, with all but two of the new infections from the hospital’s psychiatric unit.
On other hand, South Korea announced the registration of 142 new cases of the new Corona virus, which brings the total number of infections nationwide to 346 cases, and at the same time a new death was reported, bringing the number of victims to two, according to the statement of the Korean Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Noteworthy, Samsung’s factory in Gumi accounts for a small portion of its total smartphone production, as the world’s top smartphone maker produces most of its products in Vietnam and India.
Health officials around the world continue to battle an outbreak of respiratory disease, first detected in the central Chinese city of Wuhan in December. The causative agent was traced to a novel coronavirus, dubbed SARS-CoV-2, in January and has now caused more than 76,000 infections and claimed over 2,200 lives.
The deadly virus was renamed as COVID19 by the World Health Organization (WHO) The National Health Committee of China (NHCC) released a statement that the statement says that the Health Affairs Committee has received data from 31 provinces across the country. That data confirms that 75,465 people were infected.