The joint Egyptian-Italian archaeological mission, represented in the Supreme Council of Antiquities and the Italian National Research Council - Institute for studies on the Mediterranean "CNR" - operating at Tell el-Maskhuta site in Ismailia, succeeded in uncovering several pots and amphorae dating back to the late and Greco-Roman eras.
Mostafa Waziri, Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities stressed the importance of the discovery, as it unveils key information that indicates the importance of this region in the past as a commercial center.
The secretary general added that this region was a center for international trade and communications during the Roman era, pointing out that Egypt was a center for international trade due to the ancient Suez Canal that linked the Red Sea to the Mediterranean, known as the Sesostris Canal.
Andrea Angelina, head of the mission, stated that they also succeeded in uncovering a huge slope that rises to the top of a huge wall, discovered during excavations in 2017, which represents the northern side of the great city wall.
The slope was used to the protection of one of the military castles located at the site to the east, as well as a point that was used to collect customs on the trade route, secure commercial convoys and repel any aggression coming from the east.