Hand old Postage stamps were first introduced during the Napoleone period 1798-1800. The single line hand old Postage stamps were known from "Alexandrie", Le Caire", "benesouef" and "Siouth".
An Italian Carlo Meratti set up the first postal system in Egypt 1821. This was a private firm in 1842 was named "Poste Europea". This concession was purchased by the Egyptian Government and on 1 January 1865 announced it took control of this service and renamed to "Poste Vice Realiegizian''.
1945,1864 stamp of Egypt
First Egyptian stamps were issued on 1 January 1866. In 1867 issue featured a pyramid and the sphinx.
Stamps issued in 1872 were inscribed in Italian "Poste Khepe Egiziane'. Egypt joined the UPU in 1875.
Stamps were issued by the Suez Canal Company in 1868 for postal service between Port Said and Suez before Egyptian postal services was incorporated.
The British troops used special stamps inscribed Army Egypt from 1932 until 1941. The British, French, Italian, Austrian, Russian and Greek post offices were operated on Egyptian soil, particularly in Alexandria and Port Said.
Egypt gained nominal independence from the British Empire as the Kingdom of Egypt in 1922 with ''Fuad I'' as King of Egypt. Following the 1952 revolution, Egypt declared itself a republic in 1953.
Noteworthy, Postal Museum is located in El- Attaba square. It opened during the 10th World Postal Conference in Cairo 1934.
Postal Museum
The museum displays the history of the Egyptian post since its establishment in 1886 until now and contains the most important stamps that is issued by the Postal Authority. The stamp collection hall has been preserved as it was since “King Farouk I” reopened the museum that his father “King Fuad I” founded in 1934.