Iconic artist Nadia Moustafa, the Musicians Syndicate board member, called Amal Maher to make a public appearance for easing the concerns of her fans, Al Ain reported on Wednesday.
Moustafa told Al Ain that she didn't contact Maher's family once again, and she couldn't reach the artist herself. In addition, the Musicians Syndicate official asserted that all her statements were based on the information she received from the singer's mother.
The veteran artist asserted that if Maher is in danger, her mother should be the one who takes an action, however, her mother stressed that her daughter is fine, and urged the syndicate to ask media voices to stop emerging rumors about the singer.
In the same context, Moustafa praised the return of Maher's YouTube channel, referring that it could be a sign for her comeback.
Last week, the member of Musicians Syndicate board said on Friday that all news about singer Amal Maher’s disappearance are fake.
Moustafa explained in a phone interview with TV Host Mostafa Bakry that she contacted Maher’s brother who asserted that the singer is fine, and she lives in another place.
Moreover, the syndicate official revealed that she talked with Maher’s mother who also affirmed that her daughter is fine.
Previously, the Egyptian Syndicate of Musicians released on Thursday a statement regarding the latest news about singer Amal Maher and her missing.
The statement asserted that the singer is fine, and enjoying a calm life after leaving the scene of music and arts in Egypt.
It also added that the syndicate contacted the singer’s family members who asserted that Maher is fine.