Most Important Financial, Economic Decisions Announced by Sisi
Sun 22 Mar 2020 | 07:47 PM
In a intimate meeting with a number of Egyptian mothers, President Abdel Fattah El Sisi delivered an important speech, announcing a dozen of economic and financial decisions to confront the novel coronavirus pandemic, COVID-19.
The speech included about fifteen decisions as follow:
Allocation of EGP 100 billion to confront COVID-19
Reducing price of natural gas for industry by $4.5
Reducing electricity prices for industry by 10 piasters
Launching “Troubled Clients” initiative for those affected at tourism sector
Providing EGP one billion for exporters in March and April 2020 to pay some of their dues
Lifting administrative reservations on all financiers who have due taxes for only 10% of tax
Reducing interest rates in CBE by 3%, Deferring credit dues for SMEs for a period of 6 months
No additional fines on late payment
Examine sectors most affected by the spread of COVID-10 to provide necessary support
Allocation of EGP 50 billion to real estate sector
Adopting a tourism financing initiative to include the continued operation of hotels and financing their current expenditures by EGP 50 billion
Allocation of EGP 20 billion from CBE to support Stock Market
Suspending agricultural clay tax law for 2 years
Increase annual periodic bonus of pensions to be 14% as of next fiscal year
Pensions’ 5 bonuses of basic wages. Sisi held a meeting with a number of Egyptian women at Ettahadiya Presidential Palace, eastern Cairo, on the occasion of celebrating the Egyptian Mother’s Day on Sunday.
The Egyptian president touched on various issues that Egyptian nationals have been keen on recently, most notably the novel coronavirus pandemic.
"Oh Egyptians, help us. We must stick to more commitment and discipline for more two weeks so that the spread of the coronavirus will be curbed. We are 100 million populations and therefore we have to take more care of ourselves," he said. "I tell Egyptians: Don’t stockpile goods, and we have no problem with food."