Egyptian actor Mohamed Ragab will guest star in the TV series "The 101 Battalion".
It also stars Amr Youssef, Asser Yassin, Fathy Abdel Wahab, Khaled El Sawy, Ahmed Salah Hosny, Wafaa Amer, and others.
The series consists of 30 episodes depicting the heroics of Battalion 101 and how they confronted the takfiri elements in Sinai.
It is scripted by Eyad Saleh, directed by Mohamed Salama, and produced by the Synergy production company.
"The 101 Battalion" is set to screen in the Ramadan 2023 drama marathon.
Ragab, born on May 27, 1975, made his acting career in children’s programs. He also worked as an assistant director and studied at the Cinema Institute.
He worked on 1995's “al-Zainy Barakat” as well as worked as an assistant director for Tareq al-‘Eryan on "El Silim we Al Thu'ban" (Snakes and Ladders).
Ragab is known for TV productions such as "El Akh El Kabir", "Darbat Muealam", and "Wesh Tany".
He is best known for his roles in films "Bekia" (2018), "Salem Abu Okhto" (2014), "Al Hafla" (2013), "Muhtaram Iila Rubue" (2010), "Almish Muhandis Hassan" (2008), "Klashinkof" (2008), and "Tomn Dastet Ashrar" (2006), Ent Omry" (2005), "Hamada Yelab" (2005), and "Mallaki Iskandariya" (2005).
Ragab also starred as a villain in films "ُEl basha Telmeez" (2004), "Kan youm Hobak" (2004), "Izzay tekhalli el-banat Tehibbak" (2003), and "Mozakerat Moraheqah" (2001).