Miss Arab lhame belMakhfi celebrated her birthday Sunday with a new song "Kaddab", and posted a comment on her official page "A Happy birthday, as you share with me all my successes and achievements."
BelMakhfi said - in a special statement to Sada el-Balad English (See) - that she will release a new song entitled Liar "Kaddab" in the Egyptian dialect as she considers Egypt her second country.
The beauty queen explained that she will continue her artistic career in Egypt as it is known to be the country of fame, art and beauty.
BelMakhfi added that she is expected to visit Egypt by the end of this month.
She noted that the reason for choosing the song is that most of the songs talk about love and do not talk about lies and betrayal that some lovers are exposed to.
She further elaborated that she will produce a perfume that imprints a unique touch on each individual; as it differs from one person to another, giving a distinct luster that grabs attention and captures hearts.
She indicated that she is a Leo, and the most important characteristic of her sign is the love of achieving goals, and neglecting negative comments from the enemies of success.
BelMakhfi explained that the most beautiful gift she received was a car, which was the first gift she had of that value.
She emphasized that the Moroccan dialect is characterized by containing words from other languages, such as French and Spanish, and that it also contains some Amazigh words, which makes it a a beautiful compound dialect.
Finally, when asked about Moroccan women, Miss Arab World indicated that the reason for their attractiveness is their natural beauty, elegance, and affectation, which makes them distinguished everywhere.