On February 18, 1885, legendary American author Mark Twain published one of his most famous books,' The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn."
The book revolves around Huck. Finn. journey to freedom and independence. Also, it provides the reader with a satirical look at racism, religion, and social trends of that time.
Moreover, the novel introduces various issues related to the institution of slavery and the aspects of life in the antebellum south.
The novel's main narrator is Huck. Finn himself whose speech carries vernacular diction, on the other hand, he presents poetic descriptions of the characters and the scenes of the novel.
The plot of the novel revolves around Huck who decides to leave his family and make a voyage down the Mississippi River.
During his journey, the character observes various types of narratives and persons based on Huck. Finn's good nature and naivety. He also touches upon the cruelty and corruption of society.
The novel is connected to another Twain's book which is 'The Adventures of Tom Sawyer' that published in 1876.
Both novels impacted the trends of Children's Literature in the US.
A few years after its publication, many critics described the novel as a racist book due to the extensive use of dialect which expressed as "offensive."
Moreover, the book was banned in many libraries and new versions were introduced of the book but, they were also criticized.