A Lionel Messi-inspired animated series will soon premiere on Disney Channel after Disney Branded Television acquired "Messi and the Giants" from Sony Music Vision and Sony Pictures Television – Kids.
The sci-fi animated show follows a 12-year-old boy named Leo, who is transported from his home in Argentina into an alternate universe and will show how the character faces adversity, builds a team, and discovers how to become a hero.
Each episode of "Messi and the Giants" is 22 minutes long and will premiere on Disney Channel, followed by Disney Channel On Demand and globally on Disney+. It will be available in English, Spanish, and other languages.
Guy Toubes will serve as executive producer, and Atlantis Animation and director Dan Creteur will serve as the show’s animation studio. The show was developed by Toubes and Creteur under the creative direction of Sony Music Vision and SPT – Kids, in partnership with Messi.
“I always dreamed of being involved in a project that would share the values of sports, the very same values that have been so important to my career, with younger generations,” Messi said in a statement. “Nothing truly is impossible with teamwork, perseverance, discipline, and hard work. I look forward to sharing this series with kids around the world, and I hope I will inspire them and motivate them to achieve their own dreams. Ever since I was a kid, I always loved animated series, and I look forward to watching this series with my own kids.”
To date, Messi is the only athlete in the world to win eight Ballon d’Or Awards and six Golden Boots. In July, he joined the MLS team Inter Miami.