Kim Jong -Un, Leader of North Korea, calls for taking measurements to handle the worsening food situation in the country due to the Corona pandemic, floods, and hurricanes.
Official media outlets in North Korea today, Wednesday, revealed that Kim Jong -Un chaired the plenary session of the governing party of Korean Labour held yesterday to revise progress in public policies and delicate measurements to solve economic problems.
North Korea’s news official agency quoted Kim Jong-un as saying that the economy improved in general in the first half of the current year as the industrial product grew by 25% compared with the previous year.
But Jong-UN said that there is a series of deviations that hamper efforts of the ruling party to implement plans due to a number of impediments.
He indicated a severe shortage in food supplies in the countries.
The leader of North Korea added that the food situation becomes dire as the agricultural sector failed to produce the plan to produce grains because of harms resulting from hurricanes last year.
The N. Korean news agency pledged to concentrate on agriculture this year and fid means to face the pandemic of Corona in the country.
Kim Jong-un calls for reducing the fallouts of natural catastrophes after taking lessons of last year to achieve the target of the current year.
Last January, Kim said that his previous five-year plan approximately failed at all sectors amid a chronic shortage in energy and food, aggravating sanctions, Corona pandemic, and floods.
He stressed that the long period of the pandemic requires intensifying efforts to provide food, housing, and clothing to the people.
It is worth noting that North Korea did not affirm any infection with the COVID-19 so far.
But this allegation is challenged by officials in South Korea who assured that North Korea has introduced strict measurements to fight the deadly virus that includes closing borders and limiting travel inside the country.