Marvel’s series “Moon Knight” ended its six-episode arc with the grand appearance of Layla El-Faouly, referred to as the Scarlet Scarab.
Played by Egyptian-Palestinian actress May Calamawy, Layla could be a brand-new hero introduced exclusively for the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
In Marvel Comics, the Scarlet Scarab is a super who decided to fight for Egypt’s freedom when the country was still a colony under the British Empire.
"Since my daughter was 4, she wanted to straighten her hair. She never saw someone who looked like her in the media. Today this changes with Layla, the first Egyptian superhero. Proud to be a part of it!" the series' director Mohamed Diab wrote on Twitter.
Asked if Layla’s superhero moniker was the Scarlet Scarab, Diab replied: “We were calling her the Scarlet Scarab. But eventually, the Scarlet Scarab part of the story is not completely evolved so she could be anything we want. She could be the Scarlet Scarab, just like that easily, if we want to play the story."
"On set, we were calling her Scarlet Scarab. I would love to keep it open because I don’t know how things are going to go. I’d rather keep it open for her,” he added.