Omnia, the daughter of renowned Egyptian superstar Iman El Bahr Darwish, shared Monday on Facebook her agony over her father's illness.
She posted a photo of her father on his bed of illness, saying: "History will bear witness that this was what has become of Iman El Bahr Darwish.”
The photo showed the acclaimed singer ravaged by disease and lost excessive weight loss.
Fans were left heartbroken upon hearing the news and poured out their love and concern for El Bahr Darwish. Wishing him a speedy recovery and get well soon.
In a statement, the Head of the Musicians' Syndicate, Mostafa Kamel, shared his shock and sadness about the iconic singer's health condition.
Kamel is seeking to reach his family so that the syndicate can provide the necessary aid to him.
No details have been provided about the nature of his illness.
The prominent singer, born on March 18, 1955, is a multi-talented artist whose talents vary between acting and writing to singing and composing music.
He earned his bachelor’s degree in engineering from the University of Alexandria.
Darwish began his music career by forming a singing choir during university to perform music originally composed by his grandfather, great Egyptian composer-musician Sayed Darwish.
In 2021, El Bahr Darwish suffered a stroke and suffered hemiplegia, then recovered and regained his ability to walk again.