Russia's iconic TV Correspondent Anna Knishenko said that the Egyptian presence in the BRICS summit is an important element for developing the bloc, and now BRICS has become a pivotal group due to its GDP and population, competing with the G7 and G20.
This came during the celebration of 80 years of historic relation between Egypt and Russia in the Russian House in Cairo, earlier this week, coinciding with the BRICS summit which took place in Kazan, and saw the participation of Present Abdel Fattah el-Sisi.
Knishenko added that the Egyptian-Russian diplomatic relations are 80 years old, but in the past two decades 'we have witnessed a tangible development in these relations, as we have noticed the number of mutual visits between Presidents Sisi and Vladimir Putin.
She pointed out that Egypt's accession to the BRICS group gave a new impetus to the development of relations between Cairo, Moscow and the rest of the group's members.
BRICS countries became a Superpower … and It is just the beginning
One of the goals of the BRICS is to develop a transparent mechanism for exchanging banking information and coordination between the banks participating in the group, and start dealing in national currencies as an alternative to the dollar.
"We cannot continue to deal in dollars; in light of the policies of the United States and the West, and we reject that," she said, adding that Egypt's presence in BRICS is very important step. It can open up broader areas, and Egypt may become a gateway for investments from Russia and other countries in Africa.
The Sphinxes of St. Petersburg
The sphinxes on the University Bridge in front of the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg are due to Andrei Muravyov, who in 1830 went on a pilgrimage to the holy places. In Alexandria, he saw the Sphinx statues that were on sale, and he was so impressed by the ancient statues that he immediately sent a letter to the Russian ambassador suggesting that he buy them.
"In Russia there is an obsession with ancient Egypt, and indeed we bought the two statues, and they have been there since 1834 in downtown St. Petersburg, and they have become a symbol of civilization," she pointed out.
The Similarities between Egyptians and Russians
There is a great closeness between the Egyptian and Russian people, and indeed we are also similar in moral standards and a common understanding of the concept of family, love of country and service to God .. These things have become unimportant in the West today, as the West wants to impose its vision on us in the world.. And this is a strange vision for us, as we believe in preserving the traditional world, family, children, love between peoples and peaceful tolerance.
We are very similar to the Egyptians in these things, so the important common element between us, Egyptians and Russians, is the warmth of the heart, for example, the mutual influence between Russian and Egyptian literature. I found that people in Russia know a lot about Egypt, as they know Naguib Mahfouz, and they know artists such as Amr Diab and Dalida, and they know about joint projects such as the High Dam and Dabaa.
The Secret of Success
"I have been dreaming of becoming a journalist since childhood, and choosing the Arabic language was one of the most important steps in my life, because this choice gave me many opportunities and prospects in terms of work.
Working in RT was a very important step for me. I have worked as an editor, a correspondent, and a producer. I have worked in everything, and therefore perhaps it is one of the secrets of the success of the programs. We film successful media reports, because when we know the profession from every side, this gives you broader horizons.
When you work as a correspondent, you want to travel to other countries and cover different files and become an expert in all these things, and perhaps one day you will have the opportunity to conduct interviews with politicians and decision-makers.
The cultural project "Jusur"
The idea of "Jusur" was born about two years ago. We wanted to show it to the Russian and Arab audiences the importance of cooperation and relations between Russia and the Arab world. Therefore, we went to several Arab countries. We filmed episodes in Algeria, Egypt, Syria, and soon in the Emirates and Saudi Arabia.
Step by step, we will film in every Arab country to show the relations between Russia and the Arab countries, because the relations are indeed very strong, and Russia is now moving towards the East, towards its traditional partners, and Egypt is of course one of the most important of strategic partners.
Multipolarity and the countries of the Global South
Russia has been with this idea since the beginning to form a multipolar world and we are moving in this direction, and the BRICS summit showcased that this new order principles is based on mutual respect, principles of justice and equality, so there are many countries now that want to become members of the bloc due to its principles.
Jusur stands as a platform for experts to express their opinions on this new multipolar world, in which Russians and Arab audiences will be introduced to this new order.