The new thriller-comedy movie "Ghostbusters: Afterlife", has achieved revenues of $173,694 million at the box office, since its release on Nov. 19 in a number of countries.
The revenues were pided between $117,249 million in the US and $56,400 million in international territories.
"Ghostbusters: Afterlife" is centered around a single mother arriving in a small town with her children. The family begins to discover they are related to the original ghost hunters and the secret legacy their grandfather left behind.
The new movie stars Finn Wolfhard, Mckenna Grace, Carrie Coon, Sigourney Weaver, Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Ernie Hudson, Logan Kim, Celeste O'Connor, Annie Potts, and Oliver Cooper.
The events of the original Ghostbusters series revolve around three eccentric scientists who are dismissed from their positions at New York University because of their studies in metaphysics. As a result, they decide to form a ghost hunting group in which they offer services to people in exchange for money.
The original movie made $242,200 million domestically and more than $295 million worldwide. The movie starred Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Sigourney Weaver, Harold Ramis, and Ernie Hudson, according to TheWrap.
Contributed by Israa Farhan