The latest film adaptation of the late screenwriter Osama Anwar Okasha's novel “El Bab El Akhdar” (The Green Door) is slated to debut exclusively on the "Watch It" streaming platform this December.
It stars Hanan Suleiman, Bayoumi Fouad, Ahmed Fouad Selim, Eyad Nassar, Sahar El Sayegh, Khaled El Sawy, Mahmoud Abdel Moghny, Hamza El Eily, Rushdy El Shamy, Abed Anani, Islam Hafez, and others.
The film is directed by Raouf Abdelaziz and produced by Codex.
“El Bab El Akhdar” takes place in the 1990s and depicts people abandoning their principles and morals.
Abdulaziz developed the film after gaining the approval of the family of the late great writer, who wrote its script in the 1980s but never came to light.