During a prestigious celebration held at the Poland Embassy in Cairo, the Egyptian Minister of Tourism and Antiques Khaled El Enani and renown Egyptian Egyptologist Zahi Hawass have been awarded the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland.
The Poland Ambassador to Cairo Michał Łabenda praised Enani’s and Hawass’ archaeological efforts, in addition to enhancing the mutual cooperation between Egypt and Poland on archaeological and touristic levels referring to the deep cooperation between Egypt and Poland.
Enani expressed his pleasure of awarding this middle due to the strong relations between both states, especially in the touristic and archaeological sectors.
He added Poland was the earliest country to visit since the gradual easing of COVID 19 restrictions.
Moreover, Enani asserted that Egypt and Poland cooperated in various archaeological projects such as the Villa of the Birds, Sanctuary of Amun Ra at the Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut.
Egypt has received more than 4000.000 Polish tourists in 2019 and Poland is one of the top 10 countries sending their tourists to Egypt.
Poland also resumed its flights to Sharm El Shiekh and Marsa Alam in August.
After Enani’s greetings to the Polish people, Hawass has delivered a speech to the audience.
Hawass underscored the cooperation between both countries in training the archaeologists, adding that many Polish archaeologists played an outstanding role in enriching the archaeological scene in Egypt through restoring the Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut and their archaeological work in Kom El Dikka.
Furthermore, Hawass expressed his happiness after awarded this medal with Enani.