As part of Egypt's efforts to support its candidacy for the position of UNESCO Director-General, Dr. Khaled El-Enany, Egypt's nominee for the post, visited France to participate in Francophonie Summit held in Villers-Cotterêts and Paris on October 4-5. Dr. El-Enany attended as part of the Egyptian delegation to the summit.
During the summit, French President Emmanuel Macron met with Dr. El-Enany and praised his impressive academic qualifications and distinguished professional capabilities. Macron also commended Egypt for hosting the Senghor University and constructing its new campus in Borg El Arab.
On the sidelines of the summit, Dr. El-Enany also met with the heads of delegations from the UAE, South Korea, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Serbia, all of whom praised his rich academic and executive experience.
In addition, Egyptian Embassy in Paris and its permanent delegation to UNESCO organized several meetings for Dr. El-Anany during his visit. These included meetings with Jacques Lang, Director of the Arab World Institute in Paris, ambassadors from the Arab and African groups at UNESCO, as well as ambassadors from the Latin American and Small Island Developing States groups and the European Union ambassador to UNESCO.
During these meetings, Ambassador Alaa Youssef, Egypt's ambassador to Paris and its permanent representative to UNESCO, highlighted the broad support for Dr. El-Enany's candidacy from both the Arab League and the African Union, as well as from countries across various continents.
Moreover, El-Enany presented his key electoral vision pillars to his interlocutors, listened to their opinions, ideas, and suggestions, and answered their questions with openness and transparency.
In turn, attendees expressed great admiration for Dr. El-Enany's extensive knowledge of UNESCO’s fields of work and his comprehensive vision for the organization’s development. They considered his ideas to reflect a clear understanding of UNESCO's role and the ways to enhance it, alongside the high-level academic and professional qualifications he possesses.
It is worth mentioning that Dr. El-Enany conducted numerous interviews with French and international media during his visit to Paris.