Egyptian exports to the European Union (EU) increased during the first half of 2019 to reach € 4.6 billion compared to about € 4.26 billion during the same period last year, an increase of 8.6%.
On the other hand, Egyptian imports from the EU also increased during the same period to reach € 9.6 billion against € 8.3 1 billion during the same period last year, an increase of 15%.
According to a report issued by the Egyptian Trade Representation Office in Brussels, trade exchange during the first six months of this year increased 13% to € 14.2 billion against € 12.5 billion.
However, the balance of trade (BOT) was in favor of the EU to reach € 5 billion compared to € 4 billion during the same period in 2017.
The most important export markets for Egypt within the EU include Italy, Germany, and Spain with a total of more than 50% of the total exports to the EU, followed by the United Kingdom, France, Greece, Bulgaria, and Netherlands as well as Belgium.
In this context, the statistics of the European Union statistics office "Eurostat" showed that Egyptian exports increased in Italy by 15%, the United Kingdom by 21%, France by 24%, Greece 15% and Poland by 19 % in 2018.
While, Egypt's exports declined during the same period in Spain by 17%, Bulgaria by 7%, Portugal by 24%, Ireland by 3%, Romania by 11%, and Belgium by 9%.
The report added that Egypt's exports saw a significant growth, the most important of which is oil and gas, which rose to about € 3 billion compared to € 2.7 billion in 2017, as well as electrical appliances and equipment to reach € 600 million against € 580 million in the same period.
Exports of fresh fruit and aluminum, garments, inorganic chemicals, and food preparations also observed an increase, while fertilizer exports fell by 16%, fresh vegetables by 14%, iron and steel by 7% and cotton by 5%.