On Thursday, IDSC released a new report that highlights Egypt’s plan to achieve self-sufficiency from different commodities by 2025.
According to the latest report, Egypt aims to boost the agricultural area by 500k feddans (Acres) during 22/2023, in addition to increasing feddan productivity by 15%-20% through improving wise water irrigation and seeds management.
The African country targeted increasing agriculture exports to $3.6 bn during 22/2023 compared to $2.4 bn in 20/2021, the report said.
The report also noted that Egypt seeks to raise self-sufficiency from wheat to 65% by 2025 compared to 45% in 2020, and maize to 32% in 2025 compared to 24% in 2020, in addition to achieving self-sufficiency from red meat.
In this regard, the recent report anticipated that Egypt will increase its domestic red meat products to 65% in 2025 compared to 57% in 2020.